Publisher Notifications of Campaign Changes

By Mark Benjamin - July 6, 2024

Publisher Notifications of Campaign Changes

Continue to receive valid leads as you update your campaign requirements after your campaign has started

We know that up to 80% of campaigns have their requirements updated at least once after the campaign starts.  This can cause all sorts of problems and additional work as you have to communicate these changes to your suppliers, hope they see the message and act on it, and then follow-up when you start receiving leads that don’t meet the new requirements and your publishers don’t understand why.

Automatic notifications of changes to requirements solves these problems, saving you time and effort.

When you make changes to your campaign, you will be asked whether you’d like to share the change with your partners. You can do this after each change, or you may prefer to make a series of changes and then send them all as a single notification.

Screenshot showing Convertr platform review and share banner

After confirming that you would like to share these updates to campaign requirements, a text box is auto-populated with a description of all changes. You can then optionally edit this if you wish, possibly adding an explanation for why these changes have been made (which Publishers have told us they find very helpful). 

You’re presented with the option to specify which publishers you’d like to notify and you can also add and remove email addresses, providing you with complete control over who receives the notification. When you confirm sending, publishers receive an email with the information provided – and this comes with a distinct subject line that serves two purposes:

  1. It allows publishers to route these emails separately to other notifications so that they don’t get lost in busy inboxes
  2. It clearly alerts publishers that action is required

These are both things that publishers told us are important to them.

Screenshot showing publisher comms selection in Convertr platform

Additionally, publishers will also be alerted to these updates when they log into the Publisher Portal. Campaigns with changes will be highlighted and they can click to view a history of all change notifications.

Screenshot showing publisher activity feed in Convertr platform

Together these features have been designed to streamline your processes, saving time and effort for both you and your partners – and most importantly, helping to ensure you continue to receive leads that meet your latest updated campaign requirements.

If you’d like to learn more about this feature, please see the following guides:

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