Convertr Connect: Strengthening Platform Connections Between Data Providers and Receivers

By Adam Carter - June 21, 2021

Convertr Connect: Strengthening Platform Connections Between Data Providers and Receivers

With increased adoption and customer feedback, we have added some great new features to complement this existing functionality under the new Convertr Connect feature set.

When Convertr began, one of our core goals was to improve data processes and transparency between brands, agencies, and lead providers. To aid this, the Convertr platform has long included a legacy Enterprise-to-Enterprise connection to sync leads between two platforms. Our latest release expands our platform connections to now include:

  • The existing Convertr Connect Integration
  • Improvements to the Integration Place Sync Tag
  • Two new Convertr Connect Processr Jobs

The Convertr Connect Integration

For those of you familiar with the old E2E integration, the same functionality is still available under the Convertr Connect integration.

When set up, this integration allows data providers to automatically deliver leads from their platform into their customer’s platform campaign. It also provides real-time feedback on the customer lead status to keep both parties aligned on lead acceptance and rejections.

Learn how to configure the Convertr Connect Integration in the help center.

Improvements to the Integration Place Sync Tag

To simplify the integration process, users will now see a new ‘Place Sync Tags’ button. This update simplifies setup and provides visual confirmation the tags are placed and synced.

Convertr Connect Processr Jobs

We will soon be releasing two new processr jobs to help sync campaign rules between platforms.

In essence, these two new processr jobs allow the data provider to query certain campaign rules on a customer platform and process leads against the most current requirements. Without these new jobs, the data provider would need to manually review all campaign rules to check for changes.

Below is a visual representation of the data flow:

How the Convertr Connect Processr Jobs Work

Receiving Platform:

(Generally a brand or agency customer receiving leads)

The campaign manager would set up their campaign rules by configuring simple conditional validation and validation list processr jobs as normal.

Sending Platform:

(Generally a publisher or data provider delivering leads)

The user would select from a list of Convertr Connect job configurations that have been set by the Receiving Platform. Once set, these jobs would automatically update to match the rules set in the Receiving platform.

Lead Rejections and QA Flags

If leads fail the campaign rules, this information will be shown in the current QA Flags section.

Examples of a lead rejection because it does not match a required value on the receiving platform.
Error Message – Convertr Connect Simple Conditional Validation Job Error Message – Convertr Connect Validation List Job

Examples of a lead rejection because a job has been deleted from the receiving platform.
Error Message – Convertr Connect Simple Conditional Validation Job Error Message – Convertr Connect Validation List Job

Learn how to configure the Convertr Connect Simple Conditional Validation and Validation List jobs in the help center.

Want to learn more about how Convertr can simplify campaign management, automate data processes and improve alignment, request a demo today.

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